The Adam and Eve Story: The History of Cataclysms and Earth’s Hidden Past

The Adam and Eve Story, written by the enigmatic Chan Thomas, is a mysterious and controversial book that delves into the history of cataclysms and the hidden past of our planet. Originally published in 1963, the book was classified by the CIA and only declassified in 2013, leaving its readers intrigued about its contents and the reasons behind its secrecy. Join us as we explore the story’s revelations, the theories it proposes, and the implications it holds for our understanding of Earth’s history.

The Genesis of the Adam and Eve Story

Chan Thomas, an American author, and engineer, initially published The Adam and Eve Story in 1963. The book sought to uncover the truth behind cataclysms that have devastated the Earth throughout its history. Thomas’s research led him to a series of ancient texts and geological records, which he used to construct a comprehensive narrative of Earth’s hidden past.

The book caught the attention of the CIA, who classified it in 1966. Its contents remained a secret for almost 50 years, until it was finally declassified and released in 2013. Since then, it has become a topic of fascination and speculation among conspiracy theorists, researchers, and those with a keen interest in Earth’s history.

The Adam and Eve Story revolves around the idea of cyclical cataclysms, which Thomas believed were caused by a shift in Earth’s poles. He theorized that these cataclysms occurred approximately every 6,500 years and were responsible for the destruction of civilizations, as well as the extinction of various species.

The Evidence and Theories

Thomas drew from a wide range of sources to substantiate his claims. These included ancient texts, such as the Bible, the Egyptian Book of the Dead, the Hindu Vedas, and the Sumerian King List, as well as geological records and studies of Earth’s magnetic field.

One of the cornerstones of his argument was the concept of pole shifts, which he believed were caused by the buildup of ice at Earth’s poles. According to Thomas, the weight of the ice would eventually destabilize the planet’s rotation, causing the poles to shift suddenly. This shift would result in cataclysmic earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis, effectively wiping out entire civilizations and ecosystems.

Thomas also posited that Earth’s crust would “slip” over the molten mantle during these cataclysms, resulting in a new arrangement of continents and oceans. This idea, known as “crustal displacement” or “Earth-crust displacement,” was originally proposed by Charles Hapgood in the 1950s and has been the subject of much debate and skepticism in the scientific community.

To support his theories, Thomas pointed to evidence of past cataclysms, such as the sudden disappearance of the woolly mammoth, the destruction of the Minoan civilization, and the collapse of the Mayan empire. He also cited the numerous legends and myths from around the world that tell of great floods and other cataclysmic events.

Controversy and Criticism

The Adam and Eve Story has been met with skepticism and criticism from the scientific community. Many experts argue that there is insufficient evidence to support Thomas’s claims, and that his theories are based on outdated or incorrect information.

For example, the idea of crustal displacement has been largely discredited by modern research, which shows that the movement of Earth’s continents is driven by plate tectonics, not sudden slippages of the crust. Additionally, studies of Earth’s magnetic field have shown that while pole shifts do occur, they happen over millions of years, not thousands.

Critics also point out that many of the cataclysms Thomas attributes to pole shifts can be explained by other, more plausible phenomena. The extinction of the woolly mammoth, for instance, is now widely believed to have been caused by a combination of climate change and human hunting. Similarly, the collapse of the Minoan civilization is thought to have resulted from a massive volcanic eruption on the nearby island of Thera, rather than a global cataclysm.

Despite these criticisms, The Adam and Eve Story continues to captivate the imagination of many readers and has inspired a wealth of further research and speculation. Some have proposed alternative explanations for the evidence Thomas presents, such as the idea that cyclical cataclysms may be triggered by extraterrestrial influences, like the passage of a large celestial body near Earth.

The CIA Connection

The fact that The Adam and Eve Story was classified by the CIA for almost 50 years has only served to fuel the intrigue surrounding the book. While the agency has never explicitly stated why they chose to classify the book, some speculate that it may have been due to the potentially alarming nature of its contents or a desire to suppress knowledge that could challenge the prevailing scientific consensus.

Others believe that the CIA’s interest in The Adam and Eve Story may have been part of a broader effort to investigate the potential impact of Earth’s natural disasters on national security. In fact, the declassified CIA document that contains the book also includes a report on the potential implications of a global flood for the United States, suggesting that the agency was indeed concerned about the consequences of such an event.

The Legacy of The Adam and Eve Story

Despite its many detractors, The Adam and Eve Story remains a fascinating and enigmatic work that raises important questions about the nature of Earth’s history and the forces that have shaped our planet. The book has inspired countless researchers and enthusiasts to delve deeper into the mysteries of Earth’s past, and has undoubtedly contributed to the ongoing debate surrounding the validity of alternative historical narratives.

The story also serves as a cautionary tale, reminding us of the potential dangers that lurk within the Earth itself, as well as the importance of preserving and studying our planet’s history. As we continue to uncover new information about Earth’s past, we can only hope that the lessons of The Adam and Eve Story will help to guide our understanding of the world around us and our place within it.


The Adam and Eve Story is a thought-provoking work that has captivated readers for decades. While its theories have been met with skepticism by the scientific community, the book’s exploration of Earth’s hidden past, and the idea of cyclical cataclysms, continue to intrigue and inspire. The book’s classification by the CIA only adds to its mystique, raising questions about the motivations behind the agency’s interest in its contents. Regardless of one’s stance on the validity of its claims, The Adam and Eve Story serves as a fascinating examination of the mysteries that lie at the heart of our planet’s history.

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